Other Animals



Ausruhen ..... ist meine große Leidenschaft!!!!!

This is our beloved dog "Fanny vom Kastanienhof" as a puppy.

She is a Bernese Mountain Dog. A breed we highly recommend for families with a lot of space, many children and animals.








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She came to us at the age of 8 weeks in December 1999. Fanny is our second dog of this breed. She walks in Carolina's footsteps who died at the wise old age of 14 in May 2000.



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Snapshot of one of our little calves in summer 2003.

It is hard to get as close as I did for taking the picture. About 8 calves, blend of the breeds Limousin, Blonde d'Aquitaine and Simmenthal are born at Hemmerde each year. They are raised by their mothers and spend their first summer in entire freedom at the pastures.

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These two are presenting our sheep that are of the Texel breed. We raise about 50 lambs every year. Sometimes by hand:

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Ricarda and Patrizia feeding a newborn.


Our goose are kept  free on a little field that has many small fruit trees which could be easily damaged by bigger animals. Sadly for them they have to leave for christmas. But they turn into a very delicious meal and have had a wonderful life before that.